By now (unless you are living under a rock) you have heard
about the terrible WanaCry ransomware attacks infecting computers across the
planet. Seemingly, no business type is spared, and the malware isn’t just going
after businesses – lots of individuals being infected as well.
So here is a bit of info about the attack, and what
individuals and businesses can do to prevent it:
What is it:
Ransomware is software created by cyber criminals to encrypt the files on your computer, thus blocking the user from being able to use the computer without paying a fee (ransom), usually in untraceable BitCoin or in gift cards such as Amazon and iTunes.
Ransomware is software created by cyber criminals to encrypt the files on your computer, thus blocking the user from being able to use the computer without paying a fee (ransom), usually in untraceable BitCoin or in gift cards such as Amazon and iTunes.
In this latest iteration of ransomware, the bad guys used an
exploit discovered and released that was part of an information leak from the
NSA, one that attacks a specific communications system on Windows
computers. Microsoft released a patch
for this in March 2017 to address the issue (MS17-010,
which can be found here),
but those without the patch are very much at risk of getting the malware on
their computers.
What can individuals do:
Individuals should consider the following in regards to protecting their computer:
Individuals should consider the following in regards to protecting their computer:
Windows Update: Make certain that your windows update is set
to automatically download and install any critical updates. Windows update is generally located in your
control panel, but may be in a different location depending on the version of
Windows that you are running.
Install Anti-virus: While certainly not a catch everything solution,
find a good anti-virus program for your computer. There are lots of options out there – if you
have high speed Internet, there is likely a free download from your Internet
provider as part of your Internet service.
Check with their websites for more information about downloading and
installing this free AV software. If you
do not have high speed Internet, there are still free options available. AVG and several other companies offer very
good and fast anti-virus software for your computer. There is really no excuse NOT to have
anti-virus software on your computer any longer, and it can act as a first line
of defense to protect you from the bad guys.
Regular Backups: If you become infected, the only way to get
your files back (without paying the ransom) is to restore from a backup of your
files. You can back up your data to the cloud
– lots of very inexpensive services out there that can do this for you. Or you
can try to do it yourself and backup to an external hard drive – again, very
inexpensive drives are available and easy to use. They can be found pretty much anywhere
(Amazon, Wal-Mart even Sam’s Club had them on sale this past weekend). Those
pictures that you took over the weekend for Mother’s Day cannot ever be
replaced, so invest some time and effort on a good backup solution.
Be Aware on What You Click: Lastly, nothing mentioned above
will protect you from everything the bad guys can throw at you. You should be mindful about the websites you
visit, the emails you open, and the applications you install. If you do not know the source of an email or
application, DO NOT OPEN IT! If you don’t know if the website is reputable,
probably not the best site to visit. Be smart about the things you see and do
on your computer – a little common sense will save you from these kinds of
nasty viruses.
What IT Pros should do:
In addition to everything listed above (which I would certainly hope is already happening in your organization), consider implementing technology that help segment your networks, making malware such as WanaCry less invasive. Cyxtera CISO Leo Taddeo presented the Software-Defined Perimeter is a viable solution / technology to combat these kinds of threats. You can see his CNBC interview here:
In addition to everything listed above (which I would certainly hope is already happening in your organization), consider implementing technology that help segment your networks, making malware such as WanaCry less invasive. Cyxtera CISO Leo Taddeo presented the Software-Defined Perimeter is a viable solution / technology to combat these kinds of threats. You can see his CNBC interview here:
Firewalls and VPNs are decades old technology, and the bad
guys create their viruses to take advantage of these antiquated technologies. A software-defined perimeter creates an
individualized network, specific to the resources authorized for a specific user. In addition to dynamic condition checking, it
is designed to contain a user to only places that they are authorize to go,
thus protecting a majority of your company’s resources.
You will hear more about solutions to defend your computers
and network in the coming days and weeks from every security / technology pundit
out there (likely me included). Regardless of the solutions that you choose to
augment your security and networks, make certain that it is one that is on the
cutting edge of today’s technology, with a strong vision of how to deal with the
emerging threats of the future.
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